f/4.5, 1/4000 ISO 400, 35 mm lens
This photo was taken at Sundance. I used a fast shutter in order to capture the snowflakes. In trying to take the counter photo with a slow shutter I either had camera shake or the photo just looks like a boring photo with no artistic input and I didn't have my tripod with me because I needed to work a shift after this and couldn't carry too many things around with me. So I won't have an action photo with blur included in this post but I can update it later with a photo once I have my tripod again.
f/3.5, 1/25 ISO 6400, 18 mm lens
This photo was taken in the lobby of the Double Tree hotel in a hallway. I chose to focus on the typewriter instead of the Sundance book on the table because I felt the lines of the typewriter were much more prominent especially with the first few keys out of focus and the background out of focus.
f/7.1, 1/30, ISO 800, 55mm lens
I felt the bus would be a great place to experiment with foreground and background focus and although it was a lot of moving subjects and the bus continually got more and more crowded I finally was able to capture this image. Although the man is clearly looking directly into the lens the truth is that he was scanning from the door on the right of the picture to the woman in the pink hat who he is talking to. I really enjoy the way the heads part and the lighting on his face coming from the window on the door.