This assignment was hard for me because I couldn't think of what issue I wanted to create content for. Then I decided that I didn't need an issue but rather just a feature. A common one that is constantly written about is millennials from a viewpoint of the older generation that hates them or from a millennial explaining how great it is to be a millennial. As I brainstormed I came up with the idea for this shoot as stock footage to be used for a story about millennials but realized it could also be used for a feature about the powerful tool that we keep in our pocket, smart phones. The article would explain how having the whole world at our fingertips is nice, but it doesn't give us all the practical skills we need in life which is why I replaced tools with the iPhone because looking at it raises emotions in you because everyone knows what a hammer is, but being able to look up a picture doesn't mean you have a hammer. The emotions raised will be based upon audience. Ideally the older generation that is anti-technology and millennials will take these pictures as a representation of what they believe millennials to be. For the younger and more technologically advanced they will see this picture and it will instill a sense of remembrance and nostalgia as well as a call to action about being able to use the correct tools for each job. Just because we have a tool with endless potential in our pocket doesn't make it a universal tool. Here's a few of the best shots from the take. Other's ended up unusable in my opinion because they looked even more forced and I wanted using the tools on the phone to look more natural as if they were meant to be there and they would work.

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